Saturday, December 08, 2018

Awesome Reuseable Block Feature in WordPress

Recently, when editing a post on one of my WordPress powered sites, I noticed a feature or option that I hadn't seen before.

It first involves the creation/identification of blocks within a blog post.

But that's where the awesome-ness comes in. In the edit block option, under more options . . .

. . . all you need to do is click on "Add to Reuseable Blocks" and then name it.

Any edits you make get propegated across all posts that use this block.

Create content, and save it for you and other contributors to reuse across your site. Update the block, and the changes apply everywhere it’s used.

This is extremely handy when updated the Creative Commons Liscence, for example, like in this example of the music I use for my Stark Reflections on Writing & Publishing podcast.

And I'm a big advocate for proper attribution and credit for creative talent. I have been using Creative Commons for this blog almost since its very beginning in the early 2000s.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Disruptor? I Don't Even Know 'Er . . .

This is fun. I was interviewed by Jon Bard earlier this year (July, I believe) for his new podcast called DISRUPTOR.

In his podcast, Jon introduces listeners to the rebels, mavericks and weirdos of the publishing industry, engaging them in thoughtful and pointed conversations.  And you’ll learn the skills and mindset needed to cause a disruption of your own, wherever you feel it necessary.

I was honored to be a guest for Episode 5 of the podcast which was recently released.

In the half hour discussion, Jon and I talk about my own personal path which started off in the "ancient history" days of publishing, in the typewriter era, following the only path writers had back then - submitting stories, building a reputation in the smaller magazines before seeking to find an agent and publishing -- and then how I migrated into becoming a digital evangelist. First by using POD (print-on-demand) technology to launch my first book in 2004, then running and operating a POD business to help empower other local authors; which led to moving to Kobo to establish their hugely successful Kobo Writing Life self-publishing platform.

I must admit, I enjoy being refered to as a digital evangelist. And a disruptor.

Disruptor is described as: "a person or thing that prevents something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected." When you read that definition, it, at first, seems to be a negative thing. IE, preventing something.

But that's the beauty of it. It might seem that way at first, because it prevents something from continuing.

And that's just it. It prevents something from continuing as usual or expected.

Which means, it allows a new something to happen, a new pathway to be available, a new option.

And that's what digital publishing has allowed.

While I most certainly have embraced digital publishng options since I first started experimenting with them back in 2004, what I have more been interested in is helping writers and publishers understand that there's no longer one specific path; there's no longer one way of doing things.

There are multiple options, multiple pathways, more options than ever before in the history of publishing.

Since I first embraced taking control of my own writing path, I have been singing the praises of the new opportunities available. But that doesn't mean I have shut the door on the previous options. I still continue to work with more than one traditional publisher. There are, simply, some projects more suited for trad publishing, and other projects better served via a DIY methodology.

Being open to both has allowed me to take advantage of some truly great opportunities over the years.

So, yeah, I like being called a disruptor. And a digital evangelist.

Not to mention maverick and weirdo.

Seems fitting.