Friday, March 22, 2019

Rut-Busting for Writers with Nancy Christie

In the latest episode of my writing and publishing podcast, I interview Nancy Christie about her book Rut-Busting Book for Writers.

You can listen to the episode in the window below or click here to read the full show notes and listen to it from that site (or download the episode to listen)

The timing on this was perfect, because I recently applied a few of the strategies she shared with me (which I talk about in the pre-interview personal update as well as in the post-interview reflections that I share).

Specifically, I talk about getting started back into the "Canadian Werewolf" universe by writing a short story about my nain character, Michael Andrews. I also talk a bit about the revision to the existing cover (to give it a slightly more "urban fantasy" feel than it had before - as well as the forthcoming audiobook of the short story "This Time Around" which was recently completed and should be showing up soon on audio retail and library platforms.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring Is Sprung, The Sun is Riz, I Wonder Where The Snowman Is

Ah, the joy and wonder of spring.

The temperature rises, mother nature begins to peek out from under the slowly melting snow.

All is wonderful and joyous as "new life" takes form in the annual cycle of life.

All is good, of course, for everybody except certain creatures.

Like snowmen.

What does spring mean for a snowman?

That's exactly what the two dark humor stories in SNOWMAN SHIVERS explore, each in slightly different ways.

THAT OLD SILK HAT THEY FOUND - What might really happen if a snowman were brought to life. Would he really be jolly and happy? Would he dance around, singing? How could he? He doesn't even have legs!

IDES OF MARCH - Taxes are due soon. But that's just a minor annoying deadline. There are more urgent things to be concerned about. Such as why a pair of odd strangers are kidnapping snowmen.

The eBook is free virtually everywhere. Check it out at various online retailers.

If you prefer to watch me read the first story in this collection "That Old Silk Hat They Found" (my attempt to wonder if a snowman that suddenly came to life might actually be a jolly, happy soul) via this #FreeFridayFrights video from April 2018.

You can also watch the video on my author Facebook page.

Enjoy. And happy spring.

Just try not to think about what it means for those delightful masses of snow that we enjoy building and then just forgetting about.