Friday, March 19, 2010

The Future Is Being Written

This is a video that has been making the rounds lately. It was originally prepared by the UK branch of Dorling Kindersley Books and produced by Khaki Films (

Originally meant solely for a DK sales conference, the video was such a hit internally that it is now being shared externally.

In my mind it's a brilliant example of the multiple ways anything can be perceived or interpreted depending on how you "read" it.

An absolutely brilliantly written and executed communication, it's easy to see why it was a hit and why it is now being shared.

Here's a direct link to the video. One note -- if, when watching this, you find it offensive and frightening, don't avert your eyes nor stop paying attention. There is an absolutely startling twist/pay-off.

And yes, I know it's immature, but the five year old in my heart gets a chuckle at the musician's name pronounced as "Lady Gargar" -- Reminds me of a Muppet spoof character. I can see her singing with Animal on the drums and the Gargling Gargoyles doing backup.

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