Due to my obsessive commitment to a weekly HNT post, the minute I got home from my surgery (it was day surgery - I went under the knife at about 11:30 AM and was home by 3:00 PM) I grabbed the camera and snapped this picture.

The next day, a beautiful flower arrangement arrived from my colleagues at work. I was amused and delighted to see they had sent me a "Bird of Paradise" flower arrangement. You know, like the old Little Jimmy Dickens song "May The Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose"

And for your lyrical pleasure, here are the lyrics to the song performed by Little Jimmy Dickens and written by Neal Merritt.
May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose
(Words & Music by Neal Merritt)
One fine day as I was a-walkin' down the street
Spied a beggar man with rags upon his feet
Took a penny from my pocket
In his tin cup I did drop it
I heard him say as I made my retreat
"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"
"May an elephant caress you with his toes"
"May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose"
"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"
The laundry man is really on his toes
Found a hundred-dollar bill among my clothes
When he called me I came a-runnin'
Gave him back his dime for phonin'
I heard him sayin' as I turned to go
I was way behind one day to catch the train
Taxi driver said "We'll make it just the same"
The speed cop made it with us
And as he wrote out the ticket
I stood by politely a-waitin' for my change

Oh Mark!! I hope your nose is feeling much better by now. I feel I can speak for nose pain..when I was 5, a dog bit my nose...12 stitches...
Glad everything went well. Get well soon! The song is too funny :D
Happy HNT
Hope you're feeling better!:)
Happy HNT
oh ouch! Happy HNT! Thanks for sparing the gauze visual!
Your nose looked just fine to me? Whats with the deviated septum? My nose is just twitching at the thought of surgery...not good with pain so hope you heal REALLY fast. HHNT to you and the birds ;)
i remember that song...lol...anyway...nice flowers and thanks for sparing us the bloody rags...you look handsome as ever!
Seems painful surgery is all the rage among HNTers at the moment but I'm glad I don't have to join the club. Hope it all mends soon. HHNT
Glad you're feeling better... and have the drugs to prove it! Not the best way to get a few days off, but... Happy HNT!
And also up your Mark!
So not content enough to be the deviant we all know and love you had to have a deviant septum too??
Ouch,my septum is deveated but what makes it worth having that procedure?
care to share the bandaid shot?
Happy HNT!
Hi Mark I hope you are feeling better. Funny stuff happens to you doesn;t it?
OUCH! And I thought I was in pain. Lori's son had that done recently so I have a good idea what your going through. Get well soon old buddy! Happy HNT!
glad to see you are recovering nicely- beautiful flowers!
you rock, mark. being able to make light of an upleasant situation is always a good thing when you are the one going through it. thinking back to my onw 'stoned' postsurgical picture i could clearly see how doped up you are here. hehehehe.
feel better soon and then we can start rehearsals for the rock tour of our repsective bands ;)
btw, i think that song should be our signature song ;)
Hope the nose is better soon! Nice flowers! :)
It is great to find a funny side to a painful event... I envy that a lot... ;-) Your nose looks quite fine from here... ;-))
Boy that looks familiar. My son had that done. It bled for a few days, then oozed for a few days. yucky for a week. I feel for ya, but you'll be glad with youre all healed. Happy late HNT
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