I was digging through some of my photos from University (I was chatting with an old theatre buddy that I was reacquainted with thanks to Facebook about posting some old photos on the Sock N Buskin Alumni group there) and stumbled upon this precious gem.
John Strickland and I worked together at Theatre Operations at Carleton University. It was a division of IMS (Internal Media Services) and Theatre Operations ran the Alumni Theatre on campus (also known as Theatre A in Southam Hall). The theatre was used for first year classrooms, but also used on evenings and weekends by theatre groups (such as Carleton's Sock N Buskin Theatre Company).
John was in many ways the heart and soul of the theatre. When the theatre was rented out, John, a lighting and audio technician, came with it. And because I also worked part time at the theatre while going to University, I sometimes came with it when they required a second technician on duty.
Over the years, John and I worked many 18 and 20 hour days together, and being stuck in a tech booth at the back of a theatre for such unGodly hours during long rehearsals and endless weekends did one of two things to a couple of guys -- it would either make them angry and bitter, or drive them into silly humour.
It was the silly humour that inspired our "Trained Professionals" bit -- which is pictured below. The photo was likely taken sometime near 1990 by another fellow technician Andrea Clasper.
John and I shared countless laughs in our time working together, we even collaborated on writing projects (one of which was published in my story collection One Hand Screaming -- John, an excellent horror writer, was a great mentor to me) and fortunately, we've maintained our friendship over the years and across the distance between Ottawa and Hamilton. We still get together at least twice a year, and it's always good to see John and his family.
This photo makes me laugh (and it's not the mullet that's making me laugh, because man, I keep thinking how good it would be to have hair again . . . any hair . . . yes, even a mullet)

LOL ... I love the mullet, the pic made me laugh too!
We are professionals. Do NOT try this at home.
hehehehee, you guys look like trouble with a capital T. but also a LOT of fun!
Love the Mullet, a classic
Happy HNT!
You're better off without the mullet! Sometimes less is more - HHNT!
Haha! Awesome! Happy HNT. :)
No no no mullet or im gonna just let you fall offa the cliff and there will be NO pillow at the bottom to catch you!
Sounds like you two had a blast and kept everyones spirits up as well!
HHNT...and, wow, im getting sore from holding on to this train car for dear life!
I'm always impressed by photos from the past... styles, looks, attitude...
You look very happy on this one!
Loved the trip down memory lanes. Thanks for sharing, especially the mullet pic. LOL
Happy HNT!
I just love the pic... makes me wanna say.. "Party on Wayne"
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