Yes, most of my HNT shots I've taken myself -- sometimes tricky to do without a timer or tripod for my camera.
Click on image link below to visit Osbasso, the master of all things HNT . . .
Mark Leslie is a writer, editor and bookseller who lives in Southern Ontario. In 2005, Mark joined the blogging bandwagon and started posting random thoughts and musings on writing, bookselling and being a father.
no timer or tripod?????? never realized that - GOOD JOB! *~*happy hnt*~*
(any Darth Tater outtakes??) ;)
LOL, actually, I do have some Darth Tater outtakes - thanks for the idea, Chat.
you are most impressive with no timer or tripod. and you do that fierce look very well.
Those skulls are really cool, but most of all I love the look you are giving them, as if to say, don't even try it.....
HHNT Mark!
lol always an original HNT pic from you! I love it! hehe
Mark, I see you have been up to a little skulduggery. LOL
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
Great out-takes and I love the ad for the auction, very cool. Happy HNT!
I love the skulls! very cool. happy hnt :).
oooo...creepy! I love the sinsister expressions!
Happy HNT!
It looks like you're hearing voices from those skulls.
I'm weirded out by skulls.
Uuuuh, you look scary!
Happy Hnt!
Those are cool :)
Cool...but a bit scarey...not you, the skulls...HHNT!
I love the look on your face in the one on the left!
Your pics always make me grin.
Happy HNT Mark.
YORRICK.....wait...which one's you.....oh no......can't do my monologue.......look what you've done to poor Hamlet Sir....
That's pretty cool.
HHNT! :)
I think the one on the right (cut to fit) should be your new profile pic! I am guessing that your current pic is the TO skyline in the background, and the way I see it, they don't get dibs on you anymore!
LOL, loved the Hamlet quote Tragic.
Oh, and Franny, I like the idea, but I'm kind of partial to the profile pic - it's actually not Toronto, but New York - I was on the Staten Island Ferry. It was cropped from this photo
Add me to the list of those amazed that you can shoot these with no timer. Tripods are nothing... we know that you have plenty of books to stack up & set a camera on. But a timer is a necessity of life!
LOL, great pics!
Your still amazing us.
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