Terror in Toyland (TiT) - An HNT Adventure
by Mark Leslie
Continued from this post
As Mark was beginning to lose consciousness from the Play-Doh Fun Factory being pressed down on him, his mind flashed back to his dear friend Susie. He thought back to how she had miraculously appeared on his blog to save him as he tried to escape from Darth Tater and his friends and then how they got split up after the train accident.
I have to find out what happened to Susie, Mark thought. I have to make sure that she's all right.
Thinking about his friend gave him the strength to fight back. Mark freed himself from the Play-Doh Fun Factory and launched a quick and vicious attack on the two Play Doh men.
"Haaaaaiiiiiyaaaaa!" Mark screamed in his best fake kung-fu voice.
"Hiya!" Yellow Play Doh man said.
"He's not greeting you, you dolt," Greenish-Brown Play-Doh Man bellowed. "He's attacking. Look out!"
Just as he was saying this, Mark launched a kick the stunned the Yellow Play-Doh man.
Greenish-Brown Play-Doh Man took the opportunity to run away at this point. "You hold him off," he said. "I'll go let Darth Tater and his crew know that Mark got away."
Mark kicked Yellow Play-Doh Man in the face, sinking his foot deep into the gooey texture of his body. When he pulled his foot out, the Play-Doh Man's head was loosened perfectly.
All it took after that was a quick right hook and Mark was able to knock the Play-Doh Man's head right off and he fell to the ground.

"That takes care of you," Mark said. "Now for your friend."
But when Mark turned to see where the Greenish-Brown Play Doh man went to, all he saw was that the Greenish-Brown Play Doh man had already met his demise in the Play Doh Fun Factory. There was nothing left of him but a pile of spaghetti-like Play-Doh.

Confused, Mark looked all over the place. There was nobody around.
He wasn't sure if this was a friend or a foe who had done this.
A strange creaking noise from off to the left startled him, and he turned to see what it was.

Thinking about his friend gave him the strength to fight back. Mark freed himself from the Play-Doh Fun Factory and launched a quick and vicious attack on the two Play Doh men.
"Haaaaaiiiiiyaaaaa!" Mark screamed in his best fake kung-fu voice.

"He's not greeting you, you dolt," Greenish-Brown Play-Doh Man bellowed. "He's attacking. Look out!"
Just as he was saying this, Mark launched a kick the stunned the Yellow Play-Doh man.

Mark kicked Yellow Play-Doh Man in the face, sinking his foot deep into the gooey texture of his body. When he pulled his foot out, the Play-Doh Man's head was loosened perfectly.

"That takes care of you," Mark said. "Now for your friend."
But when Mark turned to see where the Greenish-Brown Play Doh man went to, all he saw was that the Greenish-Brown Play Doh man had already met his demise in the Play Doh Fun Factory. There was nothing left of him but a pile of spaghetti-like Play-Doh.

Confused, Mark looked all over the place. There was nobody around.
He wasn't sure if this was a friend or a foe who had done this.
A strange creaking noise from off to the left startled him, and he turned to see what it was.
To Be Continued . . .

Play Doh massacre... love it! Cheers and Happy HNT!
That is hysterical!
You kicked play doh ass in your heart underwear!!
How did you do that? Does everyone have super great software except me?
you didn't warn me about how gory this chapter would bee. i'm not sure i can eat breakfaast now. hehehehe, hilarious as ever. you some kinda badass play-doh killer.
maybe that's the real reason my mom wouldn't let me have Play-Doh when I was a kid... Her excuse was she didn't want to clean it out of the carpet. Happy HNT!!
**re: Your comment:
I was a lil tipsy and talking to Scott (Osbasso) on the phone when I was posting my HNT. I somehow managed to get the same pic on there twice, so there's no difference between the two. I was going to fix it but the Os Man thought it was funny, so I left it.
Playdough Ninja must teach grasshopper his mad skills! :)
Too funny!!!!
Haha! Awesome!
Wonder who killed the other guy though... suspenseful!
Happy HNT :)
I love the headless playdoh man!! haha! Show em who is boss!
Way to go Mark!!!! I knew you could do it! Happy HNT!
This gives a new meaning to "Off with their heads!"
Great job, I can't wait to see whats next.
You found a great playmate for playdoh, Happy HNt funguy!
Oh, No! Mr. Bill!... sorry...Love it!
He he I wonder where I have gotten off to, indeed!
Mark I will do pics this week!
So glad you only had to battle one playdoh guy in the end and dont those boxers need washed by now?
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