Thursday, August 02, 2007

HNT - TiT - Attack of the Play D'oh!!!

Terror in Toyland (TiT) - An HNT Adventure
by Mark Leslie

Continued from this post

The greenish-brown Play-Doh man took a quick jab at Mark. He tried to duck away from the attack, but moved too slowly. The Play-Doh dude grabbed him and twisted him around until he stumbled to his knees.

"Y-you don't have to do this!" Mark exclaimed.

"No," the yellow blob Play-Doh man said. "We don't have to do this. But we want to. It's fun."

"Besides," the greenish-brown Play Doh man said, "We're tired of being poked and prodded and shaped and molded . We've always wanted to try doing that to one of you humans.

"Yes," yellow Play-Doh man said. "Pay-back is sweet."

"D'oh!" Mark bellowed as he was forced and held down to the ground.

"Referencing Homer Simpson won't help you now, you fool!" The greenish-brown Play-Doh man said.

To be continued . . .

Why is Mark in his underwear and being attacked by Play Doh monsters? Click the image below to visit Osbasso and learn more about the underwear
(Os won't have an answer for the attacking toys, though)


Anonymous said...

LMAO this is great!! HHNT baby!

tkkerouac said...

LOL, you have a great imagination, happy HNT!

Katie :) said...

I never knew play dough could be so vicious!

Julie said...

That playdough means business....

Very clever!!

lime said...

man those blobs of play doh can get nasty...and here i thought the worst was when they got all dried out....


SignGurl said...

Clever as always.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursdy!

Regal said...

Happy HNT!

S said...

Oh man am i late or what? I was in Seattle last you know...I cant wait to see where your pants have gone !LOL