Monday, September 28, 2009

Word On The Street 2009

I spent a short bit of time at Word on the Street in Toronto on Sunday with Sephera Giron, Stephanie Bedwell-Grime and Nancy Kilpatrick in the Horror Writers Assocation booth.

I say a short bit of time because Saturday's rain pushed several of the chores and family plans that were supposed to happen Saturday back one day, meaning there was a desperate attempt to fit everything into the non-rain day.

Sephera Giron, Stephanie Bedwell-Grime, Nancy Kilpatrick

But my time at WOTS was fun, the weather turned out well and there was a huge crowd of people. We got to chat with a lot of folks interested in books as well as answer questions about the HWA, and of course see many friends and colleagues.

Besides, it was great to hang out with the ladies of horror for a while, and it had been quite a while since I'd seen Stephanie Bedwell-Grime so it was good to play catch up a little bit.

Sephera Giron, Stephanie Bedwell-Grime, Nancy Kilpatrick

Both Sephera and Nancy have stories appearing in Campus Chills, an anthology I'm editing and which is coming out October 22, 2009. Stephanie and Nancy were both in North of Infinity II, the last anthology I edited, which was released in 2006.

One of these kids isn't dressed in black like the others. Can you guess which one?

The most frustrating thing about the day was the 1 hour I spent stuck on Spadina trying to get out of town. Once I got through it all, to see that there was no construction, no road closure and no accident up ahead, AND it was a Sunday afternoon, it reminded me of why I stopped commuting to Toronto for work several years ago.

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