Thursday, December 08, 2005

HNT - Bare Naked For The Holidays

Because Francine and I recently put up our Christmas tree, I thought it would be appropriate to be a little "bare nekkid" for the holidays. I'm also suggesting that my fellow HNTers get in the spirit early as well, because reflections off ornaments can be great fun. This week's musical accompanyment would be Canada's Barenaked Ladies recent release, "Barenaked for the Holidays" - they're awesome, go buy the CD now! You know you wanna!

Talk about strategic placement of that single white light bulb, huh? Happy HNT!



lime said...

very strategic! what a cool shot. thanks for the visit at my place and the beer! hope you'll stop by too :) happy HNT!

Franny said...

Merry Christmas indeed! What an artistic photo - gallery worthy I'd say. You know one day I'm gonna take the plunge thanks to trailblazers like you and Pete.

Happy HNT!

Just Brian said...

your um uu glowing oh its a light you say. Ooooops never mind

Happy HNT

Anonymous said...

I guess you could say even glows ...hohoho, you go rudolph

christina, go-trainer

Zephyr said...

OMG that is such a cool pic! I never even thought of doing pics in ornaments... Now you have me wondering if I could. :) You did a superb job of it!

Butterfly said...

Great refelective pic!

Happy HNT!

Quiet said...

That is awesome! I love it.

Wenchy said...

Oh this is so cool! Love that!

Greg Hatfield and OJ Santos can go fuck themselves. said...

LMAO, good stuff! Happy HNT!

Zephyr said...

Just popped back in to thank you for visiting & commenting both of my blogs. Hope you'll stop by often. :)

Anonymous said...

SWEET! Puts me in the holiday spirit, that's for sure!


Anonymous said...


*laughing into my coffee*

S said...

Now that's pretty cool! I like it! Happy HNT!

Tess said...

I adore this shot. I might have to rip this off next week, so many idea, so little time.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, or should I say Rudolph?

lecram sinun said...

Very cool shot... talk about balls! LOL! Cheers and happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Mark L with your ball so bright.....

madgirl said...

youve inspired me to go out shoppin for shiney christmas balls... :)

happy HNT, mark!

Jillian said...

That is so awesome!!! Gave me ideas for next Thursday!!

Happy HNT!!

MamaKBear said...

Very cool! Great holiday HNT!
Happy HNT!

Lee Ann said...

haha, the bulb is in the way! Happy HNT!

Misha said...

Mmmm... men with hairy chests...

Happy HNT!

Joel said...

Very Cool pic~! HHNT!

Robin Alexa said...

GREAT IDEA! And so festive!

Bsoholic said...

Awesome idea!

Happy HNT

.- said...


Beth said...

Totally awesome idea! Very nice (and creative)!


Shay said...

Hehe! What a great idea!!! ^_^