He likes to turn the other cheek.
He’s always making the news
Wearing just his running shoes
Guess you can call him unique . . .”
- The Streak, Ray Stevens
Ever since he was very young, Francine and I have played a “naked baby” pre-bath ritual with Alexander.
It happened by accident one night. I was getting him ready for his bath and walking from the bathroom to the bedroom. Francine was coming up the stairs at the time and let out a joking scream saying: “Help! Police! There’s a naked baby streaking through my house.” Alexander giggled at that, so I started to run with him from room to room, with Francine trying to chase us. Alexander loved it best when, in our goofy chase sequence we came around the same door from the opposite side of Francine and nearly crashed into her.
Later, as he became mobile of his own volition, the tradition continued, only this time with Alexander running from room to room, arms flailing in the air, giggling his head off while Francine and I give chase, screaming our terror that there’s a naked baby running around our house. We stumble around like keystone cops, repeatedly looking in the wrong direction or just missing him as he runs past. He thinks it’s a hoot.
The whole chase usually ends in a big tickle fest. (And in case anyone is wondering, there has only been a single “peeing” incident in the whole year since we started playing this game. But I couldn’t help it - I was laughing too hard)
Of course, Alexander is still at the age where he’s glad to be free of his clothing and can run around uninhibited with nary a care in the world. I’m sure our society will help condition him in the standard “naked is bad” mentality of the Western world soon enough.
This was lovely. Gotta love babies.
Awww...sooo precious...both of you! Happy HNT!
Very cute, that baby looks like a mini adult, very mature looking. How sweet.
OMG! they're GORGEOUS! lucky u! happy hnt!
I think this is my fav for today. It's a great HNT post. Too Cute
Happy HNT
Aww... too cute!! Happy HNT!
Those pictures are wonderful!!!
Happy HNT!
What a fun thing to do before bath time! Nice photos, Happy HNT!
Naked baby butts are the best. I will rue the day when Amélie is too old to run down the hall on those chubby legs. ;)
Happy HNT!
That is such a cute story! I love it! Naked babies are awesome too!
Happy HNT!
Pman is most comfy in the nude as well...and at 3, who can tell him no? :)
great pics...
Thanks Mark, what a sweetie you have there.
Happy HNT!
My brother Alex's before bath naked ritual was to run naked round the house, yelling naken boy!! naken boy!!! Now he's the proud new father of his own naken boy~
naked babies are the best~
aaww! hnt babies ARE the best!!
what an adorable wee thing!
Hehe, great post! Alexander is such a cute little guy! Happy HNT!
What a blessed child! You have painted a picture of a loving, playful, beautiful family!
Awww, such a cute baby! Happy HNT!
omg, he is just so cute! can i borrow him? :)
thanks for the bday greeting!
How cute is that??
I had a ritual like that with my nephew. Before his bath he'd run through the house flashing everyone and singing,"Nekkided boy!"
Happy belated HNT, sorry I can't particpate myself this week!
A very belated HNT to you. OMG Alexander is so darned cute!! We play naked boy here too. He does pee though! hehe Actually he has mastered taking the diaper off...thru the onesie!!
Beautiful baby though. I honestly mean it. (I'm rather byast to my own but I'll admit your boy is a babe too! ;-) )
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