Monday, February 19, 2007

Budgie Poop Sticking To Bum

I like to browse through and see what keywords end up landing people on this blog.

Recently, a Google search for "budgie poop sticking to bum" has an archive page from my blog as the third returned link. It's likely due to a combination of links to this post (Attack of the Clones - August 19, 2005) in which I talked about my Baba's pet budgie and my buddy Pete's fear of birds, this post (Everybody's Loving Your Bum - August 03, 2005) where I chat about a fun song Humble & Fred played on air, and this post (Speaking of Bathroom Humour - August 23, 2005) in which I recite the old Sam The Lavatory Man song.

It was a bit strange reading through some of my blog archives. I can certainly be a strange bird.

1 comment:

lime said...

budgie poop sticking to a bum is yours

mine was something awful and pornish sounding like 'fat naked moms' eeeeek!