Thursday, March 01, 2007

Email Issues & Revised Website

I think that I've finally resolved the confusing (at least to me) issues that I've been having with my mark (at) email address.

I've been using that email address ever since purchasing the domain, but I was having my emails forwarded to my gmail account lefebvre.markleslie (at) It worked beautifully.

A few days ago I started playing around with Google Aps web services, creating a much prettier home page, I changed the forwarding of users from the site I'd stored on my AOL ftp space to the newly revamped Google pages. Unfortunately that affected the auto forwarding properties of my emails, so for about maybe 30 hours or so emails to mark (at) were bouncing back. D'oh! It appears that I have all the DNS services set up properly. Finally.

The Google Page templates, etc aren't nearly as flexible in terms of customization as the ones offered by Blogger (or maybe I just haven't learned enough of a way to work around or with the environment there yet) -- but it's still way easier to maintain a site using this format. Historically, I had to create the different pages for my site manually and upload them rather than just edit them online. I found it took my way too long so rather than update my site, I just let it stagnate.

Of course, I'm far from an expert at web design but I think I'm on the right track.

be the judge -- my old, manually created page is still here. The new page, which I think is easier to navigate and less cluttered looking is at No seriously, I'm curious at to what people think. Please feel free to leave comments about it.

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