This is a series of interviews with The Writing Show host Paula B as she follows my progress to complete a novel entitled "A Canadian Werewolf in New York" (or ACWINY for short)
The Writing Show is a free podcast of informative and interesting content about writing. If you're a writer you should check it out. And don't worry, most of the Writing Show guests are fascinating and intriguing people -- they're not all goofy like me.
(And look -- here's a fancy picture of me looking all serious and author-like. Doesn't that make you just want to go out and find anything I've written and give it a read?)
In this particular episode you can hear:
- about a "pitch session" I had with a senior editor at Leisure Books during World Horror Con 2007 (including what a pitch session is and how I prepared for mine)
- how little writing of "A Canadian Werewolf in New York" I actually did in the past three months because I was working on the novelization of I, Death to send to Leisure Books
- why I think I am a "that-a-holic" (and the fact that I cut "that" from the preceding sentence, which originally read "why I think that I am a "that-a-holic")
- a fun and wonderfully written aside about clove cigarettes from another Writing Show listener (Mark Herbst)
- a discussion about the challenges of outlining in fiction
- Paula use the newly invented phrase "pulling a Rob Sawyer" (after I explained how my friend and mentor Robert J. Sawyer is a powerful force of inspiration and continually reminds me the importance of planting butt in chair and getting the writing done)
- a wonderful critique of a scene in which I introduce the werewolf Michael's girlfriend Gail by internet bad boy and humourist Mick Halpin.
- how little writing of "A Canadian Werewolf in New York" I actually did in the past three months
- my feelings of insecurity over being so much further behind Jean Tennant (TWS's other "Getting Published With" guest.
- more pleas for Writing Show listener feedback particularly with helping me fill in a particular phrase that can so easily end in a cliche.
1 comment:
Even though you stated that you don't use "find / replace" to search for "that" have you considered using it to highlight the occurrences of "that" or any other offending phrases? If you need instructions, feel free to email me. I use this quite a lot, especially when searching for the "XXX" placeholders I'm guilty of using also.
Stacie Penney
stacie [dot] penney [at] gmail [dot] com
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