Terror in Toyland (TiT) - An HNT Adventure
by Mark Leslie
Continued from this post
At first Mark thought he was going to be brave enough to turn and see what was causing that creaking noise, but his legs took over and he ran like a bat out of hell away from the messy pile of spaghetti-like Play Doh.
Terrified that whatever had destroyed the Play Doh man was going to get him next, Mark ran until he could barely stand.

When he thought that he might finally have put enough distance between himself and the unknown threat, he stopped and looked around. "Hey, a play farm!" Mark said. "I could likely find a good hiding spot here."
As he was looking around for a way to get into the farm, he started thinking about Susie. It seemed like ages since he'd seen her and when he thought of her, he kept worrying that something terrible had happened to her.
Because he'd last seen her as they were getting into a giant toy train wreck, he imagined her unconscious, lying on the tracks with some viscous terrorland toy version of Thomas and friends barreling down the tracks toward her.

"I have to go back to the train wreck and look for Susie," Mark said.
Just then he heard a strange creaking noise again, this time from directly above him. He also heard the distinct cackling of Farmer Jones from up in the hayloft. "We've got you now!" Farmer Jones said.
Mark looked up to see a hay bale being dropped down on his head.

To Be Continued . . .
(Hay! Did you happen to visit Os and learn more about HNT?)

OH snap!!! Look out Mark! Toyland Hay is a killer doncha know!
Hehehe - happy HNT
LOL! That is too funny.
Ya know, way back in 1987 when that train picture was taken, who knew that it would come to such good use today?
Egads Im dead on the train tracks! Help!
HHNT Mark!
Oh thats nice...just great! Can I just be any lamer than posting my email in the name slot? Help! Someone run me over with a train before I do anything else wrong...
K, I'm my imagination is going wild tonight, I'm reliving the whole scene, but you are wearing a hockey jock strap,
don't ask me why
but you are.
Happy HNT!
YIKES! Is this one of the barns that 'moo' when you open the barn door?!
Happy HNT!
I love your pics... I want to have a mini me in a adult toy store!!
Wonderful :D!
suspense is killing me! Don't leave us waiting too long for the next episode.
Happy HNT!
LOL you are so funny I love stopping here ... you are so inventive and creative.
LOL - Susie, your ongoing comment saga is more amusing than this week's episode....that train shot was taken in 1987? Incredible.
oh, and trust me TK, you don't want to see me in a hockey jock strap - now THERE would be real terror. :)
i'm a little worried that mark and susie might have 'bought the farm.'
HHNt you nut, i love this stuff.
Great storyline. Lol. Happy HNT
LMAO!! - You have the best Tits in the land. Aye, that you do!
LMFAO!!!! I heart the taters. It has been a long battle...
when are you gonna beat em down?
time to step it up.
you need a damn army :)
I would have said, "RUN MARK RUN!", but you waited too long. RIP my old friend. :-(
*thank you for the comment over at my place abt the lyrics, text and pic all jiving!
I appreciate that, yo!
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