The reader, a BookCrosser from New Hampshire had some nice things to say and some good criticism for the book. One of the criticisms I got a kick out of was a comment about "Browsers" in which she said she had difficulty with the awkward writing for the tale. When creating the narrator's voice, I was striving for a pompous self-centred personality, and this to me is confirmation that I succeeded in finding that voice - okay, so maybe I overdid it in terms of turning off the reader, but that's good feedback I can use when I want to try something similar in the future.
Like many readers who have given me feedback she also enjoyed "Ides of March" one of my snowman tales and got a kick out of the "Noises Off" section in which I offer a "behind the stories" view. She also got a kick out of my story "Almost" which was an extremely short tale in which I decided to look at an urban myth/popular campfire story from a different POV.
In all, a nice boost to my day. Thanks follygirl!
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