Fran has joined me for this week's HNT shot, a reprise of the Christmas ornament shot. The branch, of course, strategically covered my naughty parts, but I had to "extend" the lightbulb aura a bit on her side of the tree before Fran would let me post this picture.
It's a bit blurry, but it was the clearest of four shots we took.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!
So what's all this Nekkid-ness about? Click on the link below for more info.

Brilliant pic. Nice team photo Happy HNT
happy holiday to you too :) oh, and happy hnt!
Move that branch! LOL
Happy HNT and thank you for the lovely comments on my post. I appreciate it. :)
Awwww...nekkid togetherness...or together nakedness...either way, lovely :)
aw, it is a thing of beauty when people can share their most intimate moments together...then photograph them and post them on the internet, THANKS!
Looking good for the holidays,
Happy HNT!
Great shot! So very original.
now THAT is one fun festive pic! Very creative. HHNT! :)
How fun that is!
I love it...
Happy HNT!
Wonderful! There's a name for this kind of pictures, where you have nudity reflected in everyday objects. Forgot what it was lol.
Happy HNT!
How original and sweet. Gives new meaning to the "family ornament...." Je suis certainemant est il "le fave"...ha ha
Happy HNT!
You're gonna need a bogger ball soon.
Very nice!! I see skin and I'm really loving the ingenuity of pics like this. Very cool and sexy.
Happy HNT!
so sweet :)
and hey
hope the snow storm missed ya today, eh? :)
happy HNT!
I LOVE seeing couples getting into the act .... it's just wickedly sexy!
Beautiful! Happy HNT!
That is so adorable!!!
BTW, I was reading " The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of The Porn Industry." And now you know.
Happy HNT!
Very artsy pic. Like it.
Very nice post! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy HNT and a Merry Happy ChristmaHaunnahKwanzaKuh!
Wow, great pic!! Nicely done.
Wow that Francine is the bravest most moxy-filled woman...way to go girl!
You both look fabulous. Imagine when this HNT thing evolves to video?
I love it! Very cool (again!) Cheers and Happy HNT!
Very cool shots!
Thats great!!! I know its hard to do I could not get my pic's to come out.
Happy HNT!
Love it! Two for one.
Very cool.
Happy HNT!
Awesome shot!
Happy HNT!
Cute pic. Very creative.
Right on! That's not an easy shot to take either. Turned out very good.
Happy HNT
Now that is clever & sexy!!
Happy hnt!!
Love it! HHNT.
That is remarkably clever and a beautiful picture! I love it. :)
Happy HNT!
That is so cute! Happy HNT!
I love these christmas ball shots!! ^)^ thanks so much for posting it!
Great pic! Happy HNT!
An interesting take on reflections, Happy HNT!
So who joins you next week... the cat? hehe Your ball's gonna get filled soon!
Happy HNT!
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