There on display near the front was Hamilton's own Jean Rae Baxter's new collection of short stories called A Twist of Malice. It was published by Hamilton's Seraphim Editions, and something I'd been looking forward to reading. I started it yesterday, am three stories into it, and am enjoying it immensely. What a great writer.
(Speaking of Seraphim Editions, I was at their summer party when they took a "Literary faces of Hamilton" picture. Pete Mitchell and I are standing on the steps just about in the center between the two pillars.)

I also picked up a Stephen King book on CD called The Man in the Black Suit. I'll likely listen to this while walking from the GO train to work or perhaps during my forthcoming trip to Pittsburgh. I'm sure I've already read the stories on the CD's, but it's always fun to listen to someone narrate a King story.
I also have The Man in the Black Suit on audio, as well as a couple of others by King. I have lots of his hardbacks as well. Have you seen LT's Theory of Pets on audio? If you have, you should pick it up. It's read by King himself!
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