I discovered this week that my wife's deodorant/antiperspirant works better on me than my own. As Paul Simon once sang: "Who am I to blow against the wind?" So I've switched. And I have to admit, I don't mind smelling "powder fresh" pretty.

Bonus points to the folks who recognize the song by a Canadian country music singer I'm referring to in the title of this post.
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shania twain ;)
would it be wrong of me to say, you sure do have a purdy smell?
LOL!! I used to be an "Old Spice" girl!!! *~*happy hnt*~*
LOL ... and I have used my boyfriends deodorant, even though mine worked better, I liked smelling like him.
Shania Twain - I heard her immediately in that title! (eh, I'm Canadian). happy hnt, Mark! x
Im so glad you like your wifes deodorant, I mean, three posts in a row about it! You must really be impressed!
Sheesh, I sure hope you dont start FDSing yourself!
Just kidding!
HNT Mark!
BS isnt returning to blogging, Mark, but he is my photoshop teacher, and we put him in the post too!
LMAO @ limes comment..she slays me!
But you sure look like a man! Nothing wrong with being in touch with your feminine side. :D
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
I'm with Suze, ya definitely look like a man, but ya gotta get in touch with your feminine side every once in awhile ;0)
HHNT! Get in touch with your feminine side. Women's products are the "bomb!"
If it works better I am all for it. What kind of smell does Lady Mitchum have? Flowery?
Yes, and you do look very manly :).
Happy HNT!
Well, no sense guessing Shania now, eh?? LOL
Hey...you are secure in your masculinity and that is cool!! Even if you do smell powdery fresh....lol
BTW...you look great!!
So what you're saying is that the new secret ad campaign should be
"Strong enough for a man....made for an author"
"Powder fresh pretty"?!?!?!?
Damn that was cute.
Love love love your chest hair.
Happy HNT!
cute, hhnt
It's all about the PH balance. I use to have a girlfriend who liked wearing men's colone... it worked for me. LOL! Cheers!
yes and you are manly enough to admit it, which makes it sexy.
LOL - definately Shania Twain!
This summer I ran out and used my husbands deoderant...didn't work as well! I'll stick to mine. Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman (and those select few men who of converted of course!)
Ha! Very intimate photo indeed, revealing your personal hygiene products. ;)
Love the hairy chest!
Well...*insert witticism here*...there sure are a lot of revealing-type thumbnails on the comments section here, which I KNOW is not the point, and I did come on here to say something intelligent about your blog but still...
Ok, I had to say it.
Ok, I am done now. 'Scuse me, I need to medicate.
thanks for the offer, but i'll let you keep the lady mitchum. i'll stick with my speed stick.
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