According to the rules…each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1) I like to wear novelty ties. Among them, skulls and ghosts are my favourite, but book ties, cartoon character ties and ties with joke images and text are also right up there.

And since I don't always play by the rules, I'm not going to tag 6 more folks, but instead allow those who WANT to play, to tag themselves off me (sounds kinky, doesn't it?) -- just let me know in the comments that you're playing along so I can go read your 6 weird things.
I'd also like to wish my friends south of the Canadian border a very Happy Thanksgiving weekend -- (Weekend? Oh who are we all kidding, Thanksgiving is pretty much a FULL WEEK in the U.S. -- I'm jealous, here in Canada we only get one day off, and our Thanksgiving was already a month ago. Can anyone save me some leftover turkey?)

I *love* #5... I recognized him immediately - great job!
I wouldn't mind some turkey too... my family missed Thanksgiving altogether last month because my Gran had just gotten out of hospital (after nearly dying from the pneumonia she caught there!) & we were all so exhausted we just didn't realize it *was* Thanksgiving.
great '6 weird things'... I might do it myself. if so I'll come back & let you know where to find it. happy hnt :). x
Great job - you're very clever to incorporate and ask others to tag themselves! Thanks for playing and always entertaining with your awesome photos! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy HNT!
Your underwear looks kinky indeed ;). Happy HNT!
Mark, you never fail to raise a smile. But this time you also put the willies up me. lol
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
Mark I love all these pix. I think you are one of those people I'd meet and instantly adore in real life, both you and your wife and of course I imagine your marriage is idyllic...
Happy HNT!
hehehe Love the pictures Mark!!
I always love your photos. You rock! HHNT!
what a FUN retrospective of weirdness! good HNt memories. the only scary one was the eric idle thing, LOL
you are weird in the most delightful ways possible!
thanks for the holiday wishes. one of the things i'm thankful for is such fun and creative friends like you.
Happy HHNT Mark!
The Pics are great!! My Fav is the one where you are smiling with the Ghost.
Mantaray Ocean :)
Well HELL-O Mr. Leslie...your hnts always make me smile...HHNT
I still have to do my 6 weird things post...Like the photos to go with. Happy HNT
LOL You always crack me up!! Love the weird things..hehe Great post and grat pics, too! :)
Yep you are weird alright! LOL Seriously, having fun, dressing up, making faces, all keep you young, happy and healthy!
HHNT Mark to you and your lovely family!
I loved this!
Weird is harsh...ummmm....I like "interesting" Happy HNT!
Oh Mark, these are fabulous fun pictures!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy HNT!
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