She has this thing about liking to watch me walk around in nothing but my tool belt while working around the house; putting up the lights, painting, putting together bookshelves or, in this case, decorating the Christmas tree. Of course, I'm sure that to complete the fantasy she's imagining that I'm Kevin Costner or John Corbett, but whatever lights her tree works for me . . .

If you're dreaming of a half-nekkid Christmas,
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Ohh now thats HAWT!
nice tool! (*giggle* - sorry, I couldn't resist!)
*~*happy hnt*~*
You're adorable! HHNT!
very nice !!!! Happy HNT!
Holy Schmoley!! This is the most half nekkid I"ve ever seen you!! I like!! hehe
LOL... totally funny! You got a cordless drill there? Cheers and Happy HNT!
Wow, very nice... I can certainly understand your wife (and I wouldn't have no celeb on my mind either...).
Great shot, I love a man who knows how to use his tools!
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
very sweet of francine to share that with all of us! the two of you make me smile!
how very very nice of you :)
I love it. HHNT
btw, love the meme, might have to play that one
wonderful, I thought that was just a toolbelt you were wearing, and confirmed it once I read the entry. Francine has good judgement/fantasy :D... nice indeed to have a nekkid man around, wearing nothing but a tool belt.
happy hnt!
Oh, I love this look :) HHNT
Very nice....
Ummm...the tree is great too!
I wish I knew about the XMass tree thing, I did a laundry HNT.
Great tree!
Happy HNT :)
Awesome photo! That's got to be the best one out yet... straight to the point, which makes it so appealing.
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