The first picture is of Rick (one of the text buyers I work with at Mac) and I at the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Dartmouth Campus location, in front of the windows giving a glorious view of the bay as well as the incoming Hurricane Noel.

The second is one I took at The Lower Deck bar. Seated beside me is Ken from the University of Guelph.

And the third pic is of the band Wreckhouse playing that night at The Lower Deck. Paul Lamb, lead singer is also from the band Crush. Incredible band. Incredibly fun time. Too many pitchers of Keith's were consumed (as you can likely tell from that blurry shot of the band)

Since the photos I took were so crappy, I figured, I'd throw in a clip of Wreckhouse performing at The Lower Deck (this video was from Canada Day, but they did play "Jessie's Girl" on Monday night)

Looks like fun, except for the hurricane part,
What a great experience!
Happy HNT!
Nothing like winding down after a long busy hard working day right mate?
Looks like you got the relaxing and the beer drinking down!
Looks like a good trip!
Sounds fun!
Great series of photos, but my favorite one is the top one!
Happy HNT!
Lee Ann
anda good time was had by all. 'jessie's girl' wow does that bring back some memories. lol
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