'Twas a fun discussion, indeed as we shared examples from our own writing and kind of came up with, under Nancy's direction, a list of four main reasons why a writer might kill off a major character.
1) Hook -- to draw the reader in (concept of killing a character at the beginning of the story then backtracking through what happened to lead to that point)
2) To underline the seriousness of what's at stake (if it Bob just got killed, then none of us are safe)
3) The plot development requires it (you need x to happen before y can occur, and the only way to do that is to kill off a certain major character)
4) Because you can't stand the character (what can I say? Even writers can be affected by the characters they create)
Of course, the setting for this discussion was in one of the basement meeting rooms which was, fittingly, as cold as a morgue. Nancy was quite chilled so I loaned her my blue flaming skull shirt for the panel.
Sephera's fiance, Derek Sullivan took tons of great pictures at the convention -- I particularly like the "candid" aspect of most of the shots he took -- I liberated a couple of them here for this week's Half-Nekkid Thursday post. Isn't it wonderfully appropriate how we all had black tops on for this topic? Honestly, we didn't plan that ahead.

what a neat thing to be a part of!
it is pretty funny that you all have on black. and it's amusing to know that even writers can hate one of their own characters so much they want to do them in.
What? A bunch of horror writers all in black? Who'd have thought it possible?
That would have been fascinating to listen to indeed.
I'd love to be involved in something as cool as that!
I know why you liked it so much, you were surrounded by chicks. You sly dog you. LOL Happy HNT!
very cool! & happy hnt 2 u!!!
I didn't get round to see everybody yesterday. Belated Happy HNT.
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