This week, for Half-Nekkid Thursday, I'm posting pictures taken back in early May - they were taken during the "Doors Open Hamilton" weekend where various landmark locations, services and attractions open their doors to the public and allow people to tour through and learn more about integral parts of their community.
One of the places that we made sure we visited was Hamilton Emergency Services Fire Station #1 (built in 1913) on John Street North.

Alexander, of course, has long been fascinated by Firefighters and fire trucks -- for the past 6 months if you asked him what he wanted to be he would tell you he wants to be a Fireman. It used to be that it was the fringe benefit of getting to drive the big truck that attracted him, because he used to be torn between firefighter and garbageman (I mean just check out that awesome huge truck that collects and crushes garbage - how can that NOT be one of the coolest things?) But more recently if you asked him WHY he wants to be a fireman, he won't explain it has to do with the truck but instead it's because he wants to help people.
Yet, despite his more altruistic reasoning behind the current career choice, I'm thinking it might still have something to do with the truck. Because while we were touring the facility of Fire Station #1, learning much about the history of firefighting in Hamilton as well as the way in which these services work today, he had the opportunity to ask the firefighters and emergency service personnel virtually ANY question about what they do.
And what does he ask?

"Where do you put the oil in the fire truck?"
After a long pause, perhaps reflecting on how he might have repeatedly been asked questions about sliding down the fire pole, how fast the trucks go, the volume of water that can be pumped through per minute or various other exciting specifics about firefighting or the fire truck, one of the firemen graciously showed him where and how they checked and filled the oil. (From the particular truck he showed us, you have to sit in the "back seat" of the truck cab to access it)
It proved to be a great weekend, particularly since we ended up learning about way more than we originally thought we'd learn during our tour of Fire Station #1.

pssst....i'll tell you a secret (since i am married to a volunteer firefighter) they don't do it out of a sense of altruism...they do it so they can play with big, neat trucks and FIRE! (there's a very thin line between firefighter and firestarter). alexander is just young enough to be honest and say it's about the trucks. ;)
Lime, you forgot the fire fighter's lounge. I think that's the second reason they do this. Dedication being the first. I love these guys.
My son was a little older that Alexander when I took him to the local FD open house. It's a memory they will never forget. Happy HNT!
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