In time for an ad in the Globe & Mail this weekend, was launched and allows a person to find a CBA member bookstore anywhere they live in Canada as well as identify the type of store that CBA member is (ie, trade, speciality, campus, used and antequarian, chain or other)
What an awesome opportunity for book lovers to find local bookstores easily. For example, you go to the site, type in the city you're in and voila a nice map pops up showing basic location and type of the store as well as a detailed list of address, contact info and website if applicable.

The ad reads:
Visit your local bookseller . . . reconnect with your community and discover this season's many new books. For the price of a movie, a book opens the door to another world of timeless comfort, entertainment and pleasure; for the gift giver, a book holds long-lasting value.
This ad is a wonderful statement which nicely echoes CBA President Nancy Frater's recent comment that clearly, the time to buy books is right now. "In challenging economic times, books are always the best bang for your buck," Nancy said. "For the price of a movie, a book opens the door to another world of timeless comfort, entertainment and pleasure."
Excuse me -- I must now leave this blog post and go slip into the warm, comfortable world of the nearest book . . . or to re-work the words of Jimi Hendrix: "'Scuse me while I kiss the page"
1 comment:
This is great news and overdue. I would love to see the Globe and Mail link out to this service on every review when they launch their new book site. Fingers crossed.
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