Thursday, March 05, 2009

HNT - By His Skill He Draws You In

Yesterday at Titles Bookstore McMaster University, we had a special author appearance by Douglas Smith, doing the Hamilton launch of his book Impossibilia. (Actually two versions of the book. The limited edition hardcover (limited to 300 signed and numbered copies), which retails for $18.00; and the even more limited edition jacketed hardcover (limited to 100 signed and numbered copies) which we're retailing for a steal at $28.00.

But in addition to Doug's great new book from the award winning PS Publishing, we also launched a special collector's edition movie companion book to the film "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down" (A TinyCore Pictures in association with Southpaw Pictures film, directed by Anthony G. Sumner) which was based on Doug's haunting short story of the same name.

With the purchase of either of these hardcovers from Doug, Titles is giving away a copy of the 116 page book (which retails for $11.99) featuring Doug's original story, notes on writing the story, the director, producer and actor notes on making the film, the original storyboard for the film, pictures from the set, sketches used in the movie as well as an interview with Doug (done by yours truly)

We still have a small handfull of Doug's books left, and I doubt they're going to last. One has only to start reading a Douglas Smith story in order to get draw in to his brilliant prose and vivid characters.

The official movie companion book to Douglas Smith's BY HER HAND, SHE DRAWS YOU DOWN was printed on our Espresso Book Machine from On Demand Books.

For this week's HNT post, here's a picture I took last weekend after I printed the first test copy of the book. (For this first test my cover design was a little off, as you can see the spine text wraps around the front a bit -- but with a bit of tweaking, I managed to correct it and the version we're printing now is, like Doug's writing, stunning.)

My hand holding the first test copy of BHHSDYD, featuring actress
Zoë Daelman Chlanda on the cover. The EBM is in the background

Douglas Smith chats casually with the crowd after doing a reading

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