Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six Pixels Of Separation

I had to post this cool "trailer" video created by the team at Twist Image for Mitch Joel's forthcoming book Six Pixels of Separation. I have been listening to Joel's podcast now for several months and have been really enjoying them.

The podcast, which covers new media, digital marketing and branding insights, typically involves Joel and a regular cast of returning characters: C. C. Chapman, Hugh McGuire, Julien Smith, Chris Brogen and Christopher S. Penn.

While not everyone is always present (and at times it might just be Mitch Joel talking or chatting with someone else), the podcast has an easy-going style very much like you're eavesdropping on a conversation at a diner (or perhaps more accurately, at a pub -- because occasionally the word choice and language of some of the folks is "not safe for work").

The conversation and discussions are always fascinating, insightful and intelligent. They are often sprinkled with humour and involve the kind of joking that old friends often share with one another, which adds a layer of down-to-earth to the overall feel of the podcast.

But don't let that fool you -- these are extremely intelligent and involved people able to share a lot of great content and thoughts about things going on within the rapidly changing spheres of technology and social media. That "open style" of conversation and almost "anything goes" feel allows that these guys, while experts in their areas, are real humans, which brings the conversation back to a more comfortable and easy to absorb level -- also, because it's not always the same people involved in the discussion adds to that relaxed, "friends dropping in to chat" kind of atmosphere which allows for the podcast to be less intimidating, despite the rapidly advancing technologies these guys are continually discussing.

In a nutshell, it's yet another podcast that I eagerly listen to each week.

It seems that more and more my mp3 player is filled NOT with music tracks, but with various podcast feeds where I can listen to discussion like this which I am fascinated by -- (The only songs on my mp3 player right now are some Rush tracks off their latest album, because I bought the special disc that had the easy-to-export-to-your-ipod tracks on it, as well as some music by an extremely talented buddy of mine from high school -- Brent Wohlberg. The fact I keep Brent's songs along with Rush on my mp3 player might tell you a little bit about how much I enjoy his music.)

But back to the video. While I'm reaping the benefit of the content in this podcast without paying a dime, I know that I'll still be eager to buy and read a copy of Joel's book when it comes out in September. (More proof, I suppose, of what Chris Anderson talks about in his recent book Free)

Here's a direct link to the video, entitled Ask "Why?". And here's a link to the first one that was produced, called Keeping It Real.

The video seems to match the quick and easy feel of the podcast and the types of things that Joel posts on his blog -- and while I haven't read the book yet, if it even contains a mere fraction of the riveting, intelligent and insightful commentary and discussion that I find in Mitch Joel's podcast and on his blog, I know I'm going to love it and that it's going to be money well invested.

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