I was delighted and sampled my first one last night after waiting several hours for the beer to cool to the proper temperature in my fridge. (That was a really long couple of hours)
Delicious. It has just the right touch of lime flavour. Some of the other brands I have tasted have too strong of a lime taste where you lose out on the actual beer flavour and it tastes more like some sort of vodka cooler. But this one is just right.
Of course, a few hours later, I read some online updates that the product has finally arrived at LCBO locations in Ontario and is in stock in Hamilton. Just a few days ago, I popped into a local LCBO location and was told their computer system did finally list the product and that it was on order (this was good news because just a week earlier it wasn't even in their database)
So now I can go out and purchase Moose Light Lime locally.
But I'm still delighted to have such good friends that they made a point of helping me get this beer, which, looked for the longest time like it might not make it here this summer season. They are awesome and I am absolutely thrilled and lucky to have such great friends. One of the beers that used to be my brand of choice used the line "good friends you can count on" in one of their ad jingles -- it was a great marketing tie-in because that sense of reliable friendship really spoke to me. That sense of friendship still does speak to me. Interesting, since those ads haven't been on the air in close to 20 years.
But now I can sit back, warm with the comfort of knowing I'm so lucky to have great friends, and when these two cases run out, I can enjoy pop over to The Beer Store or LCBO and enjoy two distinct lime beers made by independent Canadian breweries -- Moosehead and Brick.
Now those are friends indeed. Double count that the beer is now available in your neck of the woods. Cheers!
whoops... that was me.
So glad we could help (would've nicked you a glass if we could've got away with it). We were concerned about the drive home affecting the beer, so glad to hear that it's all ok in the end!!! If Francine was really the devoted wife she pretends to be....she would have shown up on my doorstep on Saturday night instead of making you wait this long!!
Barb - naw, Fran's the ideal, dream wife. And you're great friends for bringing it back for me. Thanks for the beer - it's wonderful (and the Moosehead coasters were a nice touch!)
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