I suppose working 12 to 15 hour days for a few weeks straight will do that to a person. I've even neglected to regularly update my blog as regularly as I normally do.
Oh well, things are going to start to slow down next week. Of course, my fingers are crossed ever so tightly when I say this in my mind - (in all honesty, I can't say I crossed my fingers while typing this or it would come out like this: "me nfrinewrew aew dxeossed efne so nrighjlky" and you wouldn't be able to understand what I was trying to say)
I realized that this weekend is The Word on the Street, an annual gigantic book and magazine festival held on a Sunday at the end of September across Canada in Vancouver, Saskatoon, Kitchener, Toronto and Halifax. This year it's being held on September 26th.
I'll be attending WOTS Toronto.
This year, I'll not only be hanging out at the Horror Writers Association booth where people can buy copies of some of my work and get a cool personalized autograph, but I'll also be on the Digital Drive stage at 4:00 PM to discuss Authors using social media to market their work.
The panel is called: Look at Me! Look at Me! - How to use social media to Market Your Work and has the following description: No longer can writers afford to be reclusive geniuses hiding away behind their typewriters. In the digital age, your voice needs to be as arresting as the words in the book you are trying to promote. The world of social media is a living, breathing entity where your message can be spread far and wide.
I'll be sitting on the panel with Nina Lassam, Julie Wilson and Anita Windisman. I think it's going to be a heck of a lot of fun, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Here's a picture of me from last year at the Horror Writers Association booth, with Sephera Giron, Stephanie Bedwell-Grime and Nancy Kilpatrick, three fine ladies of Canadian horror. Sure, they write scary stuff, but they're all such wonderful people.

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