It seems that, like his father, he's pretty excited about Halloween coming.
Yesterday, at breakfast, the two of us debated over whether or not we'd be writing letters to The Great Pumpkin (referring, of course, to The Great Pumpkin Peanuts books, "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and "The Great Pumpkin Strikes Again" that we'd been reading at bedtime lately -- since, oh, about the end of August . . .)
In any case, I thought I'd post a picture of Alexander and I on his first Halloween, when he was dressed up as, you guessed it, a great little pumpkin.
I think the little guy is eyeing the 6 foot skeleton that I had standing in front of the garage. And though he might look a little wide-eyed in the picture, he has never been afraid of the decorations and Halloween themed displays (unlike his old man, who is afraid of virtually every shadow) -- he has always loved romping around and helping me set everything up.
But I really love the grip that he had, even back then, on his trick or treat container.

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