I'm doing a book signing at the
Coles in Limeridge Mall on Hamilton Mountain this evening at 6:30. I'll likely be wearing my skull tie and bringing along Yorick (my skull), but something I haven't admited to yet is that I often also wear Halloween or spooky underwear to my signings as well. Tonight, I think I'll be wearing my "spooky eyes" underwear.

If you're wondering why I would start posting half naked pictures of myself, it's because I thought it might be fun to participate in the
Half-Nekkid Thursday) stream that blogger
Osbasso started. After all, blogs are often about revealing parts of yourself to the world.
Hmm, now that I've revealed this much of myself I'm making a resolution to start getting back on that treadmill on a regular basis.
Does Fran know you showing your boxers in public????
Whoa - I didn't know this was going to turn into one of those sites. I am going to be getting content warning messages from our network security team soon aren't I?
Nice eyes btw. ;)
Happy Halloween HNT to you!
Happy HNT!
Hee! Cute!
Happy HNT!
LOL, love the boxers! Happy HNT!
Ahh, Hamilton .. spent 4 wonderful years at Mac!
Ya gotta love boxers.. and they glow in the dark right???
Happy HNT
Gwen - don't worry, my HNT pictures are going to remain relatively tasteful or funny
And yes, awaterpixie, they DO glow in the dark! Always lots of fun.
Very cool.... scary shorts! Cheers and happy HNT!
ooooo - eyes in the dark. LOL! cute.
Happy HNT! =)
Happy HNT! I love your eyes :)
OOOOH! Do they glow in the dark? :)
Happy HNT!
Welcome! Will you be wearing anything else to the signing? You know...so we know which one you are...
...oh yeah, the one behind the table.
Anyhow, happy hnt!
*APPLAUSE* Well, this just made my day!
cool pic
happy HNT
Definitely lovely eyes!
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