Yesterday morning while walking in to work I noticed all of the University flags were at half mast for the students and faculty who lost their lives at V Tech earlier this week. Then, later on, I caught sign of the "coming together" messages that other Universities and Colleges were offering via various online communities. I know it's a cold comfort, but I'm always impressed at how tragedies can sometimes bring out the best in neighbourly love and support.
To me, HNT is a weekly coming together of people. There's a common "theme" -- posting a picture that celebrates exposure. But that's just a really good excuse to allow folks the chance to connect. That's what it has always been to me. A social, neighbourly thing.
And so in that spirit, I expose a good part of what's been in my heart these past few days.

Thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this week's tragic events at Virginia Tech.
nicely done, mark. i like that you put something positive out there.
Very nice.
I have not shrunk this week, I have grown quite tall, actually.
A wonderful HNT, Mark.
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