I have a few confessions to make now, related to the Harry Potter movie:
It was pretty frightening. Yeah, I know, I’m a horror writer, and I did read the book, so I should have known what to expect, after all. But when Voldemort came back to life in the graveyard scene, I felt a shiver go down my spine. And I couldn’t help but think back to the last movie villain who did that to me. Sure enough, good old Darth Vader - man that guy scared the crap out of me whenever he walked on screen.
I have a schoolboy crush on Hermoine. No, nothing perverse, I just think that Emma Watson is an adorable actress. I liken my "crush" on her to be similar to the one I had on Megan Follows (of Anne of Green Gables fame). Yes, my schoolboy crushes tend to be on cute, wholesome and feisty characters.
I’m only one book ahead of the movie. I know I should be caught up, but I’ve only read to book four so far. I’ve been ensuring that I read the book before each movie comes out, but I’m still behind. Two books behind, in fact. I’m really hoping to change that soon. Order of the Phoenix, here I come!
Taylor is technically not our niece. She is, however, one of the coolest kids that I know. Taylor is my cousin's stepdaughter, and thus a cousin. Because my cousin and I grew up practically as brothers his children (Taylor and Madison) are very much like nieces to me, and Rodney and Susan are definitely Uncle Rodney and Aunt Susan to Alexander. So there!
I was so addicted to Megan Follows when I was younger. I've read all the books, but like you, try to re-read the one related to the movie I'm about to watch. Since a movie can't typically live up to the book anyway, it's nice to know some of the finer points of the plot to help the brain get through it sometimes.
I loved how it was darker than the previous movies, and that what they did include was so close to how I pictured it reading the book. The only thing I would have loved to have seen is for them to have split it into 2 parts, because there was WAY too much left out.
Oh, and I have the same crush on Hermoine/Emma Watson.
(P.S. Hey Mark, how ya been?)
I have yet to see the latest Harry Potter...but I am already anticpating to be frightened as well.
The Dementors in the previous movie still give me nightmares...shudder shudder
Definately not for little kids - its pretty scary and a little *sick* to boot. Though it annoyed me that Voldemort had no nose...
But man it was an awesome ride! I cried like a baby when they came back from the graveyard. I am still a little traumatized. Dan R. is an excellent actor, and it was cool to find out that he was REALLY scared to shoot the graveyard scene himself.
PS-"Little Mermaid" eat your heart out!
PPS-Am I the only one who wants that carriage???
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