Has anyone else noticed the continually growing “stage” presence of Robin with each passing season of
The Apprentice? Robin is the beautiful young receptionist who sits outside the “boardroom” -- In the first season, sitting behind the desk, nothing more than a cute head barely visible behind the montrous reception desk, she’d repeatedly say something along the lines of: “Mr Trump will see you now” -- Not only have her lines increased over the past few seasons to such lengthy statements as: “Okay, you can now go into the boardroom” but last night she even got up from behind the desk not once but twice to open the door for candidates heading into the boardroom. Nice to see her role expanding.
You go, girl.
Maybe she is practicing to be the next 'Vannah White' only with door opening instead of letter pointing.
Well, it was bound to happen. It's not like she's an ogre. I suppose any chicky that's easy on the eyes can only be good for business.
Oh, I better not post this. It sounds too bitter...where's that delete button....?
I'm always amazed at how the chosen ones can leave the boardroom after ripping each other apart in front of Trump, sit quietly in the recpetion area (without ripping each other apart) and then go back into the boardroom.
I'd be out in that waiting area flippin' a nutspell.
I figure at this rate her Q rating is bound to shoot through the roof! LOL!
LMAO...good observations...heehee
You've been tagged. :)
She's really pushing the boundaries and that's nice to see.
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