Yesterday, after yet another hard day at work, Pluto sauntered down the street to the swanky Planet Club where it was looking forward to enjoying a few happy hour cocktails and was denied access at the door. After over 75 years of being an elite planet, Pluto was downsized to a dwarf planet due to factors such as

While Neptune was seen thumbing its nose at Pluto and saying "nah nah na boo boo, I'm bigger than you" Pluto tried to make light of the situation by quoting from Groucho Marx and saying: "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."
In a related story, The Walt Disney Company has reopened official talks based on decades of debate on what exactly the lovable character Pluto is, since it's been suggested that a mouse couldn't possible have a dog for a pet.
I think it's been well documented that Mickey is no mere mouse and therefore could have a dog if he pleases...
poor poor little Pluto!
Then you throw Goofy into the mix... it's insane, I tell ya!
There has been controversy over Pluto's identity as a dog, too??? I always thought Goofy was the androgynous, no that's not right, well, ambiguous one!
I'm sorry, but you can't just demote an entire planet like that! They can say whatever they like, but my IQ 2000 gameboard has a Planet Pluto on it and dammit, thats how its gonna be for this nerd! They already hid Planet Quizaar on out Uranus, it's a conspiracy...
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