It's been a strange kind of bliss.
But a long overdue time off (and not like other times I've been on vacation where I've still logged on to check email or answer questions - so far, it's been honest to goodness time off - quite unexpected, but I'm soaking it for all that it's worth)

I like rediscovering this old Mark.
Though a huge part of me longs for a nice mini-marathon session of writing -- I'm already planning how I'm going to reorganize my schedule so I can ensure I get in at least 2 to 3 solid "writing" periods per week -- should be easier to do now that I won't be spending 3 hours per day commuting. (Okay, so I still have a few "Type-A" tendencies for my writing. I'm pretty sure that will never die, so why fight it? But ironically, sometimes I do my best writing when I've put it aside for a week or so and just do other things -- it's good to let my mind wander seemingly aimlessly and then come back to my writing full force)
I usually write my first draft on a 2 week manic bender. Then let it sit for a week or three before I begin rewrites or edits. The time off affords me the opportunity to fall out of love with the piece... so when I do rewrite it comes from a more objective place. Though I'm guessing that this method is easier with plays than novels.
p.s. it would be great if you would check out my 5-3-1 project since it is in a form that you have more experience in than I. Yes, they are all first drafts, klunky with warts and all... your opinion will be much valued. :)
Enjoy - once you're back it'll seem like a fast dream
omg - 3 hours a day commuting???!!! You must've LOVED your job. I think this was a great move. You'll love the extra time you'll have.
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