And, speaking of great reads, I was delighted to see the book that the mystery guest on Osbasso's HNT post this week is reading this week. Good selection, if I do say so myself.
And for fun, if you leave a comment, let me know what YOU'RE currently reading.
Osbasso's blog is always a great read.
Visit him and learn more about Half-Nekkid Thursday . . .
Visit him and learn more about Half-Nekkid Thursday . . .
Nice shot of you as MG Mark!
Great book as well:)
Happy HNT!
Hah, knew it was you!
Mark, tonight is open house so Anthony erm, Mr Ratburn could not be present for HNT this week!
A teachers gotta do what he's gotta do!
HHNT Mark!
I knew it was you!
You have such beauuuuuutiful eyes.
you made guessing the MG WAY too easy!! Happy HNT!!
I spotted you right away Mr. MG!!! *~*happy hnt*~*
I guess that makes all of us Mark aka Mr. MG.. by the by thanks for the comment, I love bad puns! Happy HNT!
Oh and on my nightstand right now?
"The Grapple" by Harry Turtledove.
Both pictures are very nice indeed! I am reading a book called "Night Train to Lisbon" by Paul Mercier, no sci-fi I am afraid. I might show it to you next hnt ;).
Shameless plug...hehe But such a sexy, both pics btw, were such Awesome shameless plugs... hehe
EVB is right, you have stunning eyes... Happy HNT you sexy author you!
I like :)
I've got a stack of sci-fi books sitting here waiting for me to read them. i've started "foundation" but haven't got far. Happy HNT!
Looking good Mr MG!
Happy HNT!
I'm currently reading a list of names of doctors I get the pleasure *insert sarcasm here* of making a data base out of
Lovely. Tease!
Hmm, yeah, I guess it was too obvious of a hint, wasn't it? But shouldn't it be easy to guess every once in a while? And when have I ever avoided a shameless plug opportunity? :)
Hey Mark, Mistress told me to come by and tell you that the other half of the tragedy is up!
Hey! That better not be the book I got. Just to be sure I'm reading it while wearing gloves.
I'll have to check it out, thanks for the heads up.
Happy HNT!
A man who reads.....I find that VERY sexy! :)
I agree...you do have sexy eyes. Happy HNT!
Biscuit...In the Flesh
Happy HNT!
I'm currently reading a few books by Beth Gutcheon. I just discovered her and love her writing.
Nothing like burying your head in something! There I go again. LOL
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
i knew before i ever read os's clue that it was you! wow! what a surprise! i like how you are peeking out over this one, hehehe.
me? i'm reading 'reading lolita in tehran' i started it a while ago and go sidetracked, then i did the unthikable and left it out where it got rained on, dammit. had to go to the library to get a copy so i could finish reading it.
I am reading....Nathan's Run by John Gilstrap. (well going back and forth between that and George RR Martin's latest.
yeah, I read...
great hnt pics - both of them!
I'm currently reading a book called, 'Chakra Clearing', by Dorothy Virtue. interesting.
happy hnt Mark :). x
Look at you, being all sneaky! Cool! Great pic - both of them! Unfortunately, all I'm reading right now is grad school text books. One day though....
Ya, you made the MG pic too easy. Happy HNT
I haven't picked up a good sci-fi title since my Asimov-only phase. ;) Thanks for the reminder that there's a sci-fi title on my shelf I've been wanting to read.
I love both pics.. clever use of ummm books!!
You do have lovely eyes, as well as other parts of your body too ;)
Reading...hmmm...haven't been to the book store in a while so I am rereading several...I can never seem to read just one book at a time...David Balducci's The Camel Club: Leif Enger's Peace like a River: Kris Raddish's Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral, and Bebe Moore Campbell's 72 Hour Hold...umm that's it this week anyway. Happy HNT!
ah books...they soothe the (body) and soul :)
'sense of the mysterious' alan lightman
Great pic! And I recognized you the second I saw the pic on Os' page! Awesome!
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