I put together a 12 page booklet of the short story "Being Needed" which was published in the anthology Bluffs in May 2006. If I end up getting a spot at the Friday night mass autographing session, I'll be handing these out for free. The cover photo was one of the author publicity shots that my very talented friend Greg Roberts took for me a couple of years ago.
But why only spread the wealth at WHC? Thus, for my Half Nekkid Thursday pals, I thought I'd offer a special treat. To the first five people who request it and answer a really easy trivia question, I'll ship off an autographed copy of this booklet. To easily get the answer, you can listen to the first few paragraphs of the story and a bit of a "behind the scenes" look at it from Episode One of the Prelude To A Scream Podcast. Right click here to download and listen to the episode. Or click here instead to listen to it online.
There -- easy enough, right? Email me (mark (at) markleslie.ca) with the answer to the question: "What is the name of the main character/narrator in "Being Needed") and a signed special limited edition booklet of the story can be YOURS completely free.
How's that for yet again taking advantage of HNT for a little completely shameless self-promotion?
And for those of you again disappointed that the "Darth Tater" saga hasn't continued this week. I promise, the story isn't over. Oh no, it has JUST BEGUN! I've just taken a short break. (Photoshopping those pictures takes lots of time, you know)