Michael was a great speaker, fascinating to listen to, and it was a well received event. All in all, the campus group that organized it (McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice) pulled off a great event.
Despite all the high brow and intellectual discussion that evening, the highlight in my mind was just after we had finished building our book display in the front lobby. Alexander was right into it, helping to pile up the books like they were giant thin lego blocks. He'd been looking forward to it all day.
And once we finished, he quite proudly stood behind the high desk, just his head peeking over the counter and asked everyone who walked by if they liked our book display. He would then immediately ask them if they would like to buy a book.
Ever the avid bookseller (like his father, I suppose), when author Michael Adams arrived and greeted us, Alexander proceeded to proudly show him the display and asked him if he wanted to buy one of the books.
And thus, my son, the avid bookseller, learned one of the fringe benefits of working in my job: Getting to meet really cool authors all the time.
now how cool is that? i can just imagine the whole scene with alaxander. what a sweet memory that will be for years to come.
What a fun story! (He looks a lot like you too... but with more hair) hehe
Hey, btw... just wanted to let you know that I decided to bring "Literally Speaking" back. Not sure how often I'll post, but since you used to enjoy it, thought I'd point it out. :)
He's a blast. It's cool that you had him along with you for it. That he enjoyed himself is of little surprise to me at all. You guys are a blast together.
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