My story "Browsers" (a Twilight Zone style tale about a trip through a haunted bookstore), is reprinted in BOUND FOR EVIL. And while it is a reprint, it's also a slightly original version, because I tweaked a few parts of the tale (which originally appeared in Challenging Destiny magazine and was reprinted in my collection ONE HAND SCREAMING) in order for it to match the guidelines for the anthology -- in the original version of "Browsers" it is the bookstore itself that is evil -- in the tweaked version, I changed it so that it is the books themselves. A slight tweak, and the story still works nicely.

There are actually too many fantastic authors in this collection to mention them all, but you can check out the table of contents here.
I still can't get over how for years I have dreamed of being able to read a book that contains nothing but spooky tales about books. It would appear that I share a passion similar to editor Tom English in having wanted to see something like this. And now, not only does such a book exist, but I'm also honoured to be a part of it.
If you're a book nerd like me and you like creepy tales, then this is a book you should seek out. And I'm not just saying that as a pushy author that wants you to read his story. The printing has been limited to 500 copies, and I can't imagine them lasting long. (The publisher does distribute through book stores, so you can ask for it at your favourite neighbourhood bookstore and any book retailer with a decent ability to special order books should be able to seek it out and order in a copy for you. And if you're in the Hamilton area, I'm delighted to point out that it can be special ordered at the McMaster University bookstore. I mean, after all, what academic can resist such a beautiful collection?)
And I think the book looks quite nice sitting with the dozens of other horror anthologies I own, on the shelf immediately beside Yorick.

Yorick seems rather pleased about it, doesn't he? Almost as pleased as I am.

your hnts are fabulous.... I have to read your book one day...
and no silly...
the song that was on my main blog ehehhee
well how cool is that, it's like the reese's PB cups of literature for you...two great tastes that taste great together. you and yorick look delighted! :)
That's great that your in the anthology. I really enjoyed the "book" you sent me. I'm not much of a reader of books, so I'm certain I won't be buying this one, but am still writing mine. Your suggestion many months ago that I turn my Vietnam stories into a book has stayed with me. I figured if you, an author, thought I should, then I should. Thanks for the encouraging words. I've been spending a lot of time rewriting the existing stories and writing many more. If you don't mind giving me a bit of advice, how do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do when I'm ready to try to publish.
Wow Mark! That book is lovely. Did you smell the pages and stuff too? I would.
Get over to my blog and see my Thursday post. Just cuz Im not doing HNT doesnt mean you cant come say hi
Have a lovely weekend and wow again on the book...can I have a sniff? :P
Very, very cool, Mark! Congratulations and Happy HNT!
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