What's a Kobo?
You don't know? It's the most delicious candy ever made?
No, wait a minute, that's a Rolo.
As explained on Michael Serbinis' blog Kobo is an anagram for book. The way I look at it, particularly given the start to Shortcovers, and the concept of being able to read your ebook YOUR way (ie, on the website, downloaded to your desktop, laptop or smartphone of your choice) , the anagram for "book" makes sense and is cute.
Yes, even if it confuses all the people who in the past week thought Kobo was a hot new television show hosted by a puppet (these people were mistaken and confusedly thinking about Gabbo from The Simpsons -- and of course, it was really only me that was confused), Kobo is a cute, short name -- and at least www.kobobooks.com has "book" in the name and url. Then again, shouldn't they be called "Kobos" to be a true anagram for "books"? Or Maybe Skobo? Or Kosbo? I really like Kosbo -- reminds me of that hipster doofus character from Seinfeld.
But all kidding aside, the new look and feel (as well as the logo) is cool and slick, actually is a lot better than the original name "Shortcovers" and I'm curious to go update my iPhone app for it now.
And, speaking of ebooks, particularly cool free ones, check out Seth Godin's latest offering, a free ebook called WHAT MATTERS NOW which is a collection of ideas from more than 70 big thinkers, each sharing an idea for the reader to think about as we head into a new year.
Godin would love to get the book into the hands of 5 million people and invites people to post it on their own blog, create their own Riff of it, whatever. I've only read the first couple of articles in it and have to say it's definitely worth sharing -- seriously, go check it out. That is, unless you don't like thinking . . .

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