This being the final "Christmas Tree" themed HNT, I thought I'd take a quick retrospective over the various "Christmas Tree" themed HNT posts I've put up here.
Last year, I sort of went off topic, but at least it's a Christmas theme. 2010 - Christmas Vacation at Chateau Leslie.
In 2009, I was riffing on Charlie Brown in 2009 - Markie Brown Christmas Tree.
2008 was a father-son theme, with Alexander and I in front of the "boy's" Christmas tree in our rec room downstairs. Simply titled Christmas Tree 2008.
Oh Christmas Treat was my HNT post from 2007, which included my very first Christmas HNT picture (a bit risque and more of the commonly understood version of "nekkid" in this one) and returns to the themed Christmas CD that I reposted about in 2010.
In 2006, I posted a jokish HNT (yes, because all my other ones are soooo serious) called Francine's Christmas Fantasy. Yes, this one shows a bit of skin in the "traditional" HNT nekkid sort of way.
And, when I was young and foolish and first beginning HNT, I took the "Nekkid" thing seriously and posted Bare Naked for the Holidays, using a strategically placed ornament to cover up the most private of parts.
This year, I really wanted to build a Christmas tree made out of books, part of capturing some of the excitement of the viral Christmas tree picture. I ran out of time, so I thought I'd take that viral Christmas tree made out of book picture and add a fitting star to the top of it (fitting in my "slap Mark's head on something" sort of way I like to do for HNT)
Of course, I thought I'd post some random pictures of Christmas trees that I found online, just to share in the bookish love. You can find a lot more via a quick Google search. It's lots of bookish fun.
So, can you tell that I'm a person who has some books on his Christmas wish list . . . . ?

1 comment:
Great book tree! We have so many books we probably could have made a similar tree in our own home. But our toddler would have knocked it down and scribbled in the books. So it's best that we didn't.
Thanks for posting links to your previous Christmas tree HNTs! We're new to your blog, and we are glad to be able to catch up.
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