Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hanging Basket Thieves

Close to Mother's Day, thieves took off with two hanging basket plants that were sitting on our front step. Francine had just bought them on the Saturday and was preparing to hang them on a shepherd's hook the next day. But some low-life scum stole them off our front porch in the middle of the night. (I ranted about it back here).

During the early morning hours after Father's Day, thieves stole the two hanging basket plants (that would have nicely matched those first ones) off the shepherd's hook itself.

It makes me wonder. Is someone watching our house, waiting for us to put out specific plants and then stealing away with them? Who sneaks around in the middle of the night and steals plants? The four stone statue bunnies (also easily stolen) were left alone. As were the hanging plants in our neighbour's front yard. So are the thieves targeting particular plants? What's up with that?


lime said...

that's nuts! what is wrong with ppl? i say get a nice hanging basket of poisin ivy and put it out next.

WestDoor said...

hmmm........I think you should just get some plant that snaps or shoots out itchy powder or something like that.
I think the people you bought it from are responsible for this.......they must've sold you the plants then steal them back to sell to the next set of unsuspecting victims.....

Rainypete said...

What you need is a nice big cedar in the yard that I can hide in with my paintball marker. Not only do you get the satisfaction of hearing then yodel once they get a round or two in the butt, but with the aid of some bath beads and krylon you can make sure they are caught red handed (or blue or whatever colour you chuck in the rounds).

Phain said...

Can you leave out a nice 5 ft. ficus tree next time? I'm in need of some greenery in my front hall. Thanks your the best! ;)

Sheri said...

wtf???? What in holy hell is this woprld coming to? Is nothing sacred anymore?

Anonymous said...

okay Mark here is an affordable solution and easy for you to do. Even Richard can help you set up a XCam. Could you also stream it to your site so we can all see who is stealing it? It's only $29.98 for the XCam. Who knows you may be surprised who is stealing your plants.

Franny said...

Never had any of my four hanging baskets stolen. My secret is that I never water them, so they are half dead an no one wants them.

We live on a nice, residential, family street too, but 2x year Cat's car is broken into. Funny that they never steal the car (ok, who wants it anyways?), and they never take any of his cassette tapes (I guess Paul Janz & T'Pau aren't cool anymore?) Its turned into a joke - if only the 'theives' would clean up after themselves.

My mom was drivng home late one evening when she saw a bunch of teens walking down her street playing with Halloween decorations that were exactly the same ones from HER front lawn. She pulled over and started SCREAMING and chasing them and they dropped everything and ran. She put the decorations back on the lawn, and they were never disturbed again.

So, screaming and waving your arms like a psycho is the key. That and fake hanging baskets filled with permanent ink.

Blondie... said...

I'm with Le Chat on this... I prefer English Ivy though. Make it a nice sized plant too, I don't like dealing with wee tiny plants.

I hate where I live at the moment because so far the juvenile deliquents around have stolen our son's toys that are left out, our lawn furniture and a few other really irritating things... BLeh.

212degreedesigns said...

lime i was so going to say that! lol