As Alexander put Darth Tater into an unbreakable half nelson, Darth said: "I give, I give. But please put me down, I have something important to say."

"Okay," Alexander said. "I'm all ears."
"That's funny," Darth said. "Because I'm all eyes. Get it? Eyes? A potatoe that's all eyes?"
"It's not funny if you have to explain it," Alexander sighed. "Now tell me what you wanted to say."
"I wanted to say that if you look at it, we're even. Your father ate my father as a pile of french fries, and I slaughtered your father. So we're even. We should call a truce."
"Hmm," Alexander said. "You do have a point. Maybe we should call a truce."
"Ah," said Darth. "This feels good."
"It sure does," Alexander responded. "But you know what? All this violence makes me want to play violent video games."
"Yeah," Darth said with a grin. "Me too."
And so the two sat down and turned on the X-Box and started to play violent video games, proving the age old belief that violence in the real world breeds the desire to play violent video games (and that if you have to repeatedly explain a joke, it's not all that funny to begin with).
But, as they were engaged in their game, neither of them seemed to notice a strange shadow creeping up behind them . . .
To Be Continued
LOL, have i mentioned how much i love this series? it makes me giggle every single time. and alexander is so adorable. happy HNT
Each week is better than the last ... I can't wait to see what happens next.
Absolutely precious! You guys must have the most fun!
Happy HNT!
A strange shadow? Wadda ya know... there's more! Yay! Cheers and Happy HNT!
So cute :) HHNT!
That last pic is the best!
I love it!!!
What a little super hero...
I can't wait for next week :)
omg....super cute!
Alex you did well you little cutie. Another case of good conquering evil.
Happy HNT to you both ;)
May the Half-Nekkid one be with you!
LOL!! Watch out Alexxxxx - watch ouuuuuuuuuuttttt!!!
and here i thought we were gonna see the last of darth... you proved me wrong. Happy hnt!
Holy Crap!! Watch out's Peter O'Mallick behind you!
This is the post that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
Mark started posting it not knowing where it went
And as it grew all on its own it got more and more bent
This is the post.........(you get the idea)
Good stuff, keep it up.
Your just a big old meanie to leave us hanging like this week, after week, after week. This reminds me of the old Buck Rodgers episodes I used to watch in the movie theater each week as a wee lad. You know, right after they invented talkies? Ever see them?
I couldn't bare to go to sleep without my weekly installment...and as always you amuse and bemuse :D
I am here because of search results for blogs with a related topic to mine.
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Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Best regards!
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