Then again, this might just be a staged photo, what with my book on the desk beside me. And for you Darth Tater fans, do you see the little inspiration for that whole series sitting on the top shelf? I'm rather proud of this shot because, like many of my HNT colleagues, I'm revealing a part of me that I'm not all that fond of, my bald spot
Want to spot other Half-Nekkid folks?
Start by visiting Osbasso . . .
The weather has been humid in Winnipeg too! Which always leads to exciting electrical storms which are my absolute fave!
Love it! Happy HNT!
See, I adore bald/balding/shaved-headed men.
Blogging nekkid rules.
awesome pic! love everything about it. fun fun shot. only thing is i am feeling the pain of sweaty skin pulling off the vinyl chair....lol. happy HNT
Very awesome pic...hehehe What sort of concept were you fiddling with?? ;-P Love it but Lime is right, the whole schweaty skin peeling from the vinyl...yikes.
BTW, I think your hair is quite sexy!
Happy HNT Mark, tell Pete I miss him if you get a chance.
You are just the cutest thing!
I love this photo Mark.
Happy HNT!
Love your blad spot, Mark! And it is pretty nekkid. Cheers and Happy HNT!
Ohhh, very nice :) Happy HNT!
Who knew it could be so hot in Canada? You just sit there and enjoy working half nekkid! HHNT
Sorry I stopped reading at "fiddling" ;-)
Bald spots are sexy!!
HHNT! That is **exactly** what I am doing right now! Have a great Thursday, from "the" MG!
Ooh, I so need one of those for my office chair. I hope you didn't stick to the leather, ouch!
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
It is nice to see you in a position we haven't before. :)
Holy gods it's author porn!! I keep glancing and blushing, seeing so much of you.
Can tell the women here do not blog nekkid enough....you gotta put a towel down to sit on....wait maybe i divulged too much info there....I read that somewhere...yeah thats it. ;)
Doesn't EVERYONE sit at their computer naked? Well, everyone except me, of course. Wow... BKS and I must read the same sources... (she says, smoothing wrinkles from her towel)
Happy HNT!
Summer is hot hot hot..becareful you don't stick! HHNT!
Wow! You had one of the Darth Taters stuffed and mounted. I guess that is meant as a warning in case they ever decide to try any thing with you and your boy again, huh?
Happy HNT!
LOVE it, tee hee hee! Oh man, I gotta grow up!
sorry i'm so late commenting sweetie - but happy hnt and watch it when you get up from those leather chairs - nekkidness sticks!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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