What a wonderful opportunity to get a signed copy of this spectacular anthology.
Onhand will be: Stephanie Bedwell-Grime, Karen Danylak, Kimberly Foottit, Stephen Graham King, A.M. Matte, Douglas Smith and Robert J. Sawyer. (Oh, yeah and I'll be there too)
If you can't make it to the event, don't despair -- simply call 416-963-9993 and reserve a signed copy for yourself today. And if you're from out of town, but would still love to have an autographed copy shipped to you, inquire about it by phone or at inquiries@bakkaphoenixbooks.com
hope it goes goes as well as prior ones!
and i just got to read your father's day post. you're a blessed man. alexander will so appreciate knowing your dad through you. when my kids were very young i began telling them stories about 'little mommy' and my grandparents and themselves. they loved it and even though they are older they still ask now and again for their favorites.
If I can get all my crap pulled out of boxes by then I may just wander over.
Sounds like a great time! It's our 6th Wedding Anniversary, and I couldn't ditch my hubby or the kids...but never underestimate what a determined Franny can do.
Is this bookstore large enough to accomodate a double stroller?
What a wonderful event it was!
You have so much to be proud of!
Shannon "aka" Mantaray Ocean
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