all work and no play makes Mark a dull boy
all work and no play makes Mark a dull Jack
all work and no play makes Mark a dull boy
all Mark and no work makes play dull a boy

all work and no play makes Mark a dull boy all work and no play makes Mark a dull boy all work and no play makes Mark a dull boy
and no play makes Mark a dull boy
all dull and no work makes Mark a play boy
all Mark and no work makes play a dull boy
all Mark all Samson all work all work all music all the hits all the music no talking all workday and no play makes Mark a dull boy
All playboy and no work makes Hugh Hefner happy
all Samson and no play makes Mark a dull boy all work and no play makes Mark a dull boy all work and no play makes Mark a dull Samson
all and play Mark dull
all waijai and no work no makes a boy
all and play Mark dull
work no makes Samson a boy
Okay, time to call it a night, I think. My little finger is starting to twitch and speak to me. Hmm, there's a fire hose and axe in the cabinet down the hall. Pardon me a minute, I must go there now.
LMAO! you guys really need some help!
Okay now I am beginning to worry. I think there might be an axe in our office as well. Eek!
Thanks for the clips - awesome!
Love the photo. LOVE IT. The only thing that worries me is the beach ball. A beach ball accompanied by a super-caffienated/suger laden drink. Leads to no good. You poor, poor souls.
You just need to take a few minutes to unwind. Just go hit Lloyd up for a drink.
Hey just like Homer Simpson, NO TV and NO Beer, makes Homer go ... Craaaaazy .. Done mind if I do. BlahBlah
Umm...I think Marky needs a wittle nap, and some meds. I can mix you up something from my grandma's medicine cabinet. She has EVERYTHING in there!
Ok, seriously though, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! You're working too hard! Maybe take a vacation with the wifey and the kiddle and let the world fall apart without you for a few days? I understand though - I am nearing burnout too.
Thank you for the fabulous postcards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful... baie dankie.
Yeah, don't be a dull boy Mark. Go have some fun. You can always stop by and pick me up in front of the Castle gates! haha
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