I'm preparing for the recording and production of a series of podcasts for my short story collection One Hand Screaming which I intend on submitting to the wonderful gents at Podiobooks.com. They've got a great selection of books for free that is continuing to grow, I love the service that they're providing and want to be a part of this exciting mixture of literature, audio books and podcasting. Hey, you can listen to some awesome books via podcast episodes for free. Check them out!
So by way of warming up, I've started to create some podcasts called Prelude To A Scream. I'm hoping to use these as practice towards the series of podcasts for my book, by trying to learn the ropes of the specifications they require and also trying different things and seeing what works and what can be improved in terms of content. My goal is to be able to provide a good quality product. I'm not there yet, because this is my first stab at it, but I know I'll only get good at this by doing it and learning from my mistakes.
So without futher ado, I present to you, Prelude To A Scream - Episode 01 in which I explain what I'm doing, read the very beginning of my latest published short story "Being Needed" and then talk a bit about the writing of the story.

I would like to invite readers of my blog to have a listen and either email me comments (mark (at) markleslie (dot) ca) or just drop a comment here. For example, you can poke fun at the way that I make Grandpa's voice in my story narration sound like a whimpy Clint Eastwood. Or you can give me hell for using 128 bitrate rather than 64. I encourage both technical and content feedback. Go ahead. I can take it.
i am pretty wiped out at the momment and will be away for the weekend but i will definitely copme back for a listen and tell you what i thought :)
OOoooohhh Mark leaps from the screen and right into your earhole! I've definitely got to give this a listen on the drive home.
I'll enjoy it over a Saturday cup-o-joe. Maybe it will feel like the old days at 35 Craig. Only you'll be playing over my stereo, not merely trying to interupt it. Happy now?
Mark, I haven't kept up with your blog lately, life got in the way. I just wanted to say thanks for the mention earlier. I spoke to my Aunt Sue and she was very happy to have seen you. Her email went on and on about you. ^^ I'm glad you two had a chance to chat. Grats on how well everything seems to be going for you.
Hey, Mitch, glad to hear your aunt had as much fun as I did that afternoon. Thanks for the congrats. And, say, isn't some old goat going to be yet another year older in just a matter of days.....hmmm......? (Gotta get you back for the old fart comment, after all)
Steve, old pal, I won't be happy unless I'm punching you in the eye for taking one of my french fries.
Lime, I'm eager to hear what you think, and Pete, god I hope I don't make you crash your car or anything.....
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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