I'm quite delighted that my story "Browsers" will be appearing in the forthcoming anthology
Bound for Evil: Curious Tales of Books Gone Bad edited by Tom English and available from
Dead Letter Press in March 2008.

The normal retail price of this limited edition (only 500 copies are being printed) Smythe-sewn book bound in black imitation leather and stamped in gold is $80 US. Pre-orders for the book will be $50.00 until October 31st (a little Halloween treat from the publisher). Starting November 1st, pre-orders will be $60.00 Payment is accepted online via the ever convenient
The book will be approximately 770 pages long and feature more than fifty writers, including:
Barry Baldwin * Glynn Barrass * Skadi meic Beorh * R. Michael Burns * Ramsey Campbell * Robert W. Chambers * Fred Chappell * Rui Cruz * JG Faherty * Gary Fry * Christopher Fulbright * Orrin Grey * Angeline Hawkes * Nathaniel Hawthorne * Rhys Hughes * Margaret Irwin * M.R. James * H.P. Lovecraft * Mark Leslie * Patrick LoBrutto * Michael Lovell * Erin MacKay * Michael McGrorty * Mark McLaughlin * Gary McMahon * Rick Moore * Barry Napier * Terri Nixon * Louise Norlie * John R. Platt * John Llewellyn Probert * Jeffrey Rice * Barbara Roden * Ian Rogers * Jeff Ryan * Saki * Vincent L. Scarsella * J. Michael Shell * John Shire * Ian Shoebridge * Simon Strantzas * John Teehan * Ben Thomas * Jeffrey Thomas * Lavie Tidhar * Mark Tullius * Josh Vogt * Chris Willrich * Andrew J. Wilson * Michael D. Winkle * S. Levett Yeats, Jill Zeller and more . . .
I had the pleasure of meeting Ramsey Campbell at the
World Horror Con in Toronto the past March, so it'll be fun to have a story of mine appear alongside his in an anthology. Looking at the line-up of writers, many of whom I've enjoyed reading, I'm in some pretty good company. I particularly like that this anthology will feature not just original new works, but also collect some classic horror tales that feature books.
The cover design (see image above) is an original work by
Allen Koszowski. This is a particular treat because I first became a fan of Allen's artwork back in the mid 1990's when I was getting stories, poems and reviews published in a wonderful horror magazine called
Crossroads: Where Evil Dwells (edited by the wonderful Pat Neilsen) Allen's artwork often graced the cover and occasionally appeared alongside my writing. Allen's style always reminded me a bit of
Steve Ditko, the artist who, along with Stan-Lee immortalized Spider-Man.
Given that I'm a giant book nerd and being able to read an entire giant anthology of stories featuring with two of my favourite things (books and horror) thrills me to no end, this week I'm counting how excited I am to know this book will soon exist as well as how very fortunate I am to simply be a part of this limited collector's edition book.
very exciting opportunity for you. congrats!
Limited edition! Wow! That is very exciting, Mark! Cheers!
congrats Mark!
(And that was very cool the way I had to highlight the authors names with my cursor just to read them. Almost like unlocking a "secret code!")
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