Every time I find myself sitting at that lonely author table for a 3 hour stretch answering questions not about my book or writing but about where the bathroom is or where the customer can find a particular book (questions which I honestly do try my best to answer - you have to keep yourself amused somehow) I question my masochistic tendency to keep putting myself in that situation.
I like getting out and promoting my book. I really do. But sometimes, from an author's point of view, it's a fun exercise in social study to watch people as they walk into the store and see the author table front and centre. I do my best to smile and make eye contact with everyone who walks by; like a desperate man at a single's bar perhaps, looking for any reason to start up a conversation. But of course there are those who avoid glancing at me at all, or maybe only quickly look then look away, almost as if I was a feral dog and looking at me might provoke my wraith.
Last night was pretty decent. It's always fun when the curious people stop by and ask about my book, or when those who actually hold eye contact for more than a split second allow me to say hello which sometimes sparks a conversation. I met quite a few interesting people, however, and had some great conversations; a photographer, a librarian (just coming off a lengthy civil worker strike here in Vancouver), horror fans and, of course, budding writers. One young woman who stopped by had a very interesting list of questions for me. She was particularly interested in knowing why I wrote horror. I enjoyed her unique journalistic style.

My evening of book signing was perfectly capped when my long lost cousin Craig who lives in Vancouver with his wife stopped by and we went out for wings and beer after my signing was over. Books, wings, beer, good conversation. It doesn't get any better than that.
I can think of one or three things that are better than wings. ;-)
Ever since people told me I should turn my army stories into a book (you included), I started digging deeper into that part of my life. It's interesting what I've dug up. I still don't think I'll ever get published, but I know that at least my son and the fruit of his loins will have something to remember this old man by.
i am betting it was a memorable and encouraging conversation for that boy you spoke with. so glad you got to end the evening in such a lovely way with your cousin. :)
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